Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Our Little Chiquita

Happy month of Cinco de Mayo!

Our little baby Ivy is not such a little baby anymore.  She seems more like a toddler.  I know some people feel sad about this transition but I personally love it.  It's so cute to see her learn to crawl, then to walk, soon to run.  She'd almost done teething, sleeps great and is a spunky, fun little girl.  At 14 months old, she's a bit of a late walker and yesterday I realized that it could be because she spends a good chunk of her day in a stroller while I go for my mornings runs and then again in the evening while we go for family walks.  Well, at least she'll have a good appreciation for nature.

Yep, I'm still running everyday.  Nope, I'm not training for anything.  Someday I'll do it again.

I don't have any recent running pictures but here's one from a weekend run with Adam and Ivy back in the snowy days.  Fish Creek really is quite pretty, even in the winter.

This past weekend we took the kids on a bike ride down in fish creek park.  We have a little seat on the back of my bike for Ivy, Kyla is on the tandem with Adam and Riley rides on his own.  We did a 13 km loop and I was proud of Riley for that.  We passed some triathletes who were training and Adam commented how he felt jealous.  I on the other hand felt like I've been there, done that, don't feel like doing it again anytime soon.  I do have some ideas simmering away in my bucket list though.  I'd love to do a 5 km race with both older kids this summer.  Then, as they get a bit older I'd love to do a family long distance relay race.  I think that would such a bonding, fun experience.

I'll sign off with this fantastic quote I read today from Pulitzer-Prize winning writer Anna Quindlen:

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your soul, it is not success at all."

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