Saturday, November 5, 2011

Crafts, Pukes, Concussion, Suppository, and a 4 hour ride.

What do those things have in common you might ask??

Well, they sum up my day today.  I spent the morning visiting with some wonderful ladies at a church activity and briskly moving through craft stations, so I could pick up my kids at Gold's Gym by 1:00.  Adam had a four hour ride as well, so he was doing his ride at the gym this morning and I needed to pick up the kids before the child care closed.  I made it just in time and arrived to my crying little girl being held by one of the caregivers because she had been dropped on her head by her brother.  The story goes that she had asked Riley to help her fly and so he attempted this great feat, accidently dropping her headfirst.

Well, I brought my little ones home and set up a movie for all of us while I started biking on the trainer.  Kyla puked about an hour later and I was concerned but she was talking just fine and could count to 20 and answer any question I threw at her, so I wasn't overly concerned and figured it would pass.  The next three hours passed with Kyla having little naps, puking several more times, Riley helping us both and me attempting to get my four hour bike in between cleaning puke and caring for my little one.

If you think that's a good time, here's the real climax of the day.  When Adam got home, he called his brother (a paramedic) who said that a Gravol Suppository would be good, since she was just puking up the Gravol pill.  So, upon returning from Wal Mart, Adam asked if I would like to administer it, or should he??  I declined the invitation but suggested that distraction would be good so he should get the candy for her mouth and then I would hold her as he administered.  He felt that explaining it to her would be he proceeded to explain the procedure to Kyla, while displaying the medicine to be inserted in her butt.  Of course she freaked out and became somewhat histerical as she shouted, "no daddy, don't put it in my bum!"  So we calmed her down and then I tricked her into thinking that daddy just needed to put a little lotion on her bum.  I know it's deceitful but that thing was not going in with her clenching it shut.  She quickly discovered that it was not, in fact, lotion but the dreaded suppository and cried out, between distractions of watching Kung Fu Panda, to "take it out, take it out."  Even after confirming 15 min. later that it was dissolved by checking the insertion site, she continued to cry out, "take it out, take it out."  Well, that went well.

There is a happy ending though because Kyla felt so much better by 7pm that we all sat down to a nice family dinner and had a good laugh together as we did our tradition of taking turns telling our "UPS & DOWNS" of the day.  I even had a little cry as I told them how in five years we'd all look back and remember the day that Riley gave Kyla a concussion, she puked a bunch and then received a traumatic suppository.


P.S. I had a two hour run scheduled yesterday, which I did on the treadmill due to the colder weather.  Adam could have worked from home so I could run outside but it's not great preparation for Cozumel to run in these cold temps.  I managed to run 22 kms in those two hours in my aerobic HR zone. Pretty good!

1 comment:

  1. That is INSANE! What story out there can top this ???
